"I would tell them that if they want thrills, they should throw away their toys and ride the greatest roller coaster of all, the earth on which they dwell. And I would tell them that it will cost absolutely nothing because they gained admission free of charge on the day they were born."
--Richard Bode, Beachcombing at Miramar
This quote comes from my favorite book of all time. That's right, all time. Bode’s tale illustrates the search for an authentic life and, in a way, demonstrates a route to find happiness. Although his path is drastic, his yearning for the sublime resembles the common man. In a roundabout way, it leads into my resolution.
With 2011 looming, my resolution comes in two parts. One half deals with the people in my life while the other stems from a major letdown. In the former, I hope the people around me continue their stream of happiness, and remain content in their respective lives. It’s a small resolution that’ll hopefully serve large purpose. What’s more, I hope to add to their happiness and make an impact.
The latter revolves around me coping with major disappointment. Not to open up a sinkhole, but when my abroad plans fell through I had a difficult time dealing with it. Those close to me understood my heartache. Only in the last month did I talk to my oldest friend about it, nearly seven months later. So, simply put, I need to learn from that experience and better manage major disappointment. It's easy to brush off the minute details, but larger circumstances take additional poise. It will take time, but it will make things better. It will make me better for it.
I’ll be bringing in the New Year with my girlfriend and closest of friends as we head north to my friend’s New Hampshire cottage. As per usual, it’s a double feature because there is a birthday at the stroke of midnight, which calls for double the amount of tomfoolery.